Happiness is the key to life, the only thing we need to focus on is getting happy…. by this I mean inner soul happiness…we can get happy with anything that way hahaah but you need to have a smile at the end of the day and sleep in peace.

Its worst enemy is stress and one of the main reasons we get stressed with is “expectation” we have out of all the things we do. Even when we go to a store to buy we have expectations….. discounts …… raffles, etc…..

Even from any relationship we have the most expectations……… we love someone.. that person should love me back the same way. When we have any responsibilities we expect it to be shared by your partner and expect the clarity to be the same. Technically I would say why should we expect in the first place…… this makes me a saint for sure doesn’t it………..only saints could think in those terms…….. why should I be a saint….. why shouldn’t I expect…… if I give I will expect…………

Second question would be why should I give if I don’t get………… just don’t give if u don’t get…………question solved…… no answer required…………that would leave us with a question…… then why live…. If we want to live for ourselves….what do we get from ourselves…… do we live up to the expectations we have for ourselves???? How can we expect from others if we do not live up to ourselves first….

Have we ever stopped by and asked ourselves what we want…. What we need and is that what we r getting….. keeping US happy????have we ever looked at ourselves n tried to figure out if we r happy?????

What is happiness …. I was never able to define happiness in the first place….. coz our levels are pretty high……

Some months ago…. I was on a holiday with my husband and daughter in a Park Zoo Resort..…..  I tried to have a cup of tea sitting down…… I heated it up 4 times only to find it cold by the time I came to it….. so much so that I was desperate to have it. The minute my husband took my daughter for the park stroll I took my cup heated it up and sat in a cave enclosure and sipped it…. Omg the happiness in my heart could not be expressed at all…… 7th heaven hahaha whatever that is hahaha

So as I had said before try to change for the person whom we love and don’t expect anything back….. be a saint…… no no don’t do that…………. When u try to change yourself for another person however close you are to that person…. Close your eyes…. N see if you feel the happiness in making that change…. If you feel content of doing something inturn getting that uncoded love which if you decode could be the happiness you were looking for?????? Then go for it…..

Why the hell m I saying this would be the question for sure…. Yes m not a saint too… but I did make a change and found a tiny mini smile in my heart which brought a big sunshine smile on my face of the contented heart trying to tell me yes…. U may not have liked the change…. But the happiness you saw and the reflection of the happness which you received was awesome….

I vouch for this tini mini reflection of the happiness it removes the expectation you have to get something in return from the person directly as you receive it immediately……

By the way have you heard of the Stress….not Made in China as usual hahhaha but Made by US????? Stay tuned.

Taking you leave for now……Stay Blessed….Stay Happy….Stay Safe….

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