Life is like a book unless you open it or you want to read it you would not know what is happening. By taking short cuts like reading the last and thinking ooo we know what exactly the book is trying to say is something we do to keep ourselves happy. But we do not know what we have actually missed in those pages we skipped.  Its like having a child…skipping her or his initial years of growth and then at the age of 10 we give them time. It could be of use but we do not know 60% of the things which have emotionally passed in those 10 years.

In this current write up I may not be point blank as I would say, I am confused still want to put a gist of life. Questions like what is life?? What would be our future?? What makes a good future??? How do we know we are successful??? How do we know what to do if we want a smooth life??? What are the things to be avoided??? What are the things we really need etc etc…

Let me start with what are the things we really need. Peace, money, loving people etc.

Peace as we all know is like air we cannot actually say we got it coz we breathe in and breathe out so to take it in we have to give something out even though it’s the bad we give out. So it means we still have to continue taking it in, we do not know while breathing what else we are taking in. So for example if we say yes we are peaceful there will be something which will hamper it and there we go again. So it’s a variable it keeps varying not steady. So we wanting peace will never be uniform.

Second on my list would be money which is the most important component to survive but this is a very tricky variable we may have it today but we just don’t know when it slips off our hands so been happy saying YES we have money is not safe, we can be out of it anytime. Peace, health,  loved people  and good emotions cannot be bought by this variable which is actually useless but useful to buy roti, kapda and makan only.

We have many or just a few people who love us unconditionally. Sometimes there are conditions applied but are acceptable coz the love we get is more valuable but we do not know until when we will have these people with us. Most dodgingly variable component in our life. We cannot buy time or freeze time or freeze the moment with these people. We want them in life, we can go to any extent to have these people in our lives but we have no control over the period of existence of these people in our lives. Best part is we do not know how to extend the time with these people. What we have in our hands is to cherish the time we get to spend with these people. These are those people we have the worst fights with, worst arguments with, get the most angriest with and mind you we do not have a control over these emotions. We hurt them the most.

Now a breather of the article today is a thought we need to give ourselves as to what we want and how we keep these important aspects of our lives with us. Can we protect these things or its better to cherish these things when we still have them with us?

I have written we live young we live free which has no connection to this article maybe…. but there is a hidden aspect which I want my readers to imbibe from (first on list to try to imbibe would be me of course) and that would be, we are young now and want to be free coz our blood is absolutely on fire, health is awesome, money is pouring in, success is at its peak, loved ones are with us all the time, no place for compromise. There is a thin line again between compromise to live happy and compromise to live unhappily, we need to sort that out too. Now ponder a bit……….. as we age we may or may not have these people, the money, the health with us so we need to respect these things when we can. We may not want some people in life coz we cannot adjust with them as fire is on both ends, money is pumping both ends, people too with us. I dread the feeling of getting old getting to a stage with bad health or financially not that good… will we have people who still respect us and take care of us????

Have we gained good friends, good thoughts, good peaceful moments, good relation, good name (not being rich but as a good human being)???? Are we ageing beautifully???????????

Pondering…. till we meet next. Stay tuned.

Taking you leave for now……Stay Blessed….Stay Happy….Stay Safe….

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